Monday, October 19, 2009


This weekend flew by. I found a great bargain in a changing table/cabinet for Mylee. I changed the hardware and made a slipcover for the mat.
Douglas, Myles and Blake spent Saturday evening in the woodshop. Blake made a birdfeeder and Myles made cutouts of hearts and butterflies. Breanna has been busy painting the cutouts to hang in the nursery.
Sunday after church, Breanna and I went to my mother-in-laws to make curtains for the nursery. She picked out a chestnut brown and a pink and white polka. They looked fabulous together. I will post some pictures soon.
All in all it was a great weekend, busy but fruitful.


Anonymous said...

You are just finding all the bargins! Good job!! I really like the new home page. Very stylish and cute!

Kimmie said...

busy busy busy girl!

Praying for you...just wanted to let you know that I really am.
